It is not without joy that we gradually see winter turning to spring. Days get warmer, and the desire for outdoor activities suddenly seems more attractive. Naturally, it is with a sense of urgency that the first shapes of greenery appear through the snow. The greener hands already see the opportunity of a first planting as soon as the snowflakes leave the ground. That being so, we never know precisely when it will occur; the weather is as capricious as it is unpredictable. However, the lucky ones who own a wooden backyard shed can already dream of summer colours in their garden! Gardening sheds turn out to be perfect actors when they play the greenhouse role. Here are 3 steps to prepare your garden with the help of your garden shed at the end of winter.
First of all, clean up your backyard shed
Who says spring, says renewal. This dynamic always brings in its wake the traditional, and not so figured, spring cleaning. Your backyard shed has slept for many months, and it is time to make the shed worthy of your garden. Therefore we clean from floor to ceiling, and we make sure all tools are operational, sterilized and sharp enough. It’s never too early for a small disinfecting bath when it comes to gardening tools. Take advantage of this energy to use a mild detergent and make a point of honour that no insect has elected to dwell in your greenhouse or pots. Once done, ventilate your gardening shed for at least several days before starting to plant your seedlings to ensure an environment released from any cleaning product.
Prepare your flower beds and plants
Now that the cleaning stage is over do not stop along this encouraging path and move ahead with the preparation of your garden beds and planters. It is always beneficial to prepare your soil shortly before planting. Add nutrients and fertilizers as needed, aerate and hydrate it to have the perfect consistency for your plants. Also, take the time to think about the distribution of your future plants. Think about their organization; all plants cannot grow in the same garden bed. Organize yourself sufficiently and group plants that require similar needs or care. In other words, have your mind set on the garden you desire and what will be necessary when it’s time to devote yourself to it entirely.
Make your first plants grow before the arrival of the warm weather
It does not matter if your gardening projects are purely aesthetic or rather harvest-oriented; your bunkie will allow you to plant your first round of buds. There are several advantages to this. As soon as the favourable climate officially arrives, you will only need to bring out your beautiful flowers to have a well-colored garden. But also, some plants and flowers have a much longer growth cycle, and you have to plan an early planting if you want to be able to enjoy them at the right time. However, you must respect the planting conditions to optimize your flowering. Finally, starting to practice spring activities while winter attempts to drag on will only be beneficial to cover the last meters of this winter marathon. If you are interested in finding out more about Wiserwood’s backyard sheds, call 1-877-554-0854 or by email at [email protected].